Category Archives: Philosophy

Top Ten Things Not to Use as the Ring Tone for your Spouse/Significant Other/Parent/Boss

Top Ten Things Not to Use as the Ring Tone for your Spouse/Significant Other/Parent/Boss

1. The FCC’s Emergency Alert System sound.
2. Air Raid Siren.
3. The Navy’s “Action Stations” alert.
4. A Submarine dive alarm.
5. Star Trek’s “Red Alert”
6. The sound of a fire alarm.
7. A child crying.
8. A computerize self destruct countdown from any science fiction movie.
9. The sound of a small, yappy, dog barking.
10. The sound of a phone modem/fax machine connecting.

The Death of Yard Culture?

Today I wonder if we are experiencing a death of “yard culture” to the detriment of society. There is no escaping the fact that modern developments place oversized homes on postage stamp lots with little or no yards.

If you go back as ten or fifteen years. The yard was as integral part of any home design. Look at Sunset magazines and books from the 1960′s and 1970′s and one finds the height of yard design. Even city dwellers craved a small patch of land or even just a balcony to place a few tomato pots. Continue reading